Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance
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Developer: Bioware Corp
Game Type: RPG
Platform: PC
Campaign: Yes
Multiplayer: Yes
Retail Price: £19.99-cheapest at Amazon-£7.99 +£1.50p&p
Some Quick Questions & Answers
Q: I recently bought BG:DA and opened the box to see 5 disks! What is going on?
A: Good question! I only have the 1 disk but I think that each disk has a different world? I am not certain though. Answer this question.
Q: Can I create a character or am I given one?
A: At the start of a new game you are given a 'blank' character and can customize it, although there are some restrictions there are not many so it can be interesting just to make a random character!
The Review (By Jack098):
Game Play: BG:DA has impressive game play, and the screen controls and buttons are all easy to locate and then use. However, character control is not as easy as perhaps many thought it would. More than once I have ended up furiously clicking and swearing under my breath when my charcter (named Jackolas!) will not do what I tell him to. When you are controling a group of 5 fighting can become confusing because you don't know who is who.
Graphics: The graphics for me are a dissapointing aspect of the game. Many predicted mind-blowing graphics and have been given nothing more than average. It is summed up when you are choosing colours for your character the graphics are, to be frank, terrible. Ok, so this is a reletively old game, but still the graphics are dissapointing. However, despite the poor quality of the graphics it doesn't make the game any worser of.
Sound: The sound, in a way, makes up for the graphics. Although the graphics are not bad the sound helps the player to 'forget' the poor graphics and become completely immersed in the sound. I find the sound really good and impressing. The voices are really good and add a whole new level to the game.
Story:  The story is good and, unlike many other games I have reviewed the missions are all completly different and unique.
Multiplayer:  I really like the multiplayer. If you have played NWN online you will enjoy this. You can chat freely and the games don't last for hours like many do.
Overall: 75% If you like Neverwinter Nights you will like this. The games are very similar but both different. Worth £19.99
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